Interview with Jaakko Halmetoja: Practical Tips for Healthy Nutrition

Jaakko Halmetoja is a well-known nutritionist in the Finnish health food scene in addition to lecturing in the Baltic Countries. In 2011 he gave almost 150 lectures and more than 100 interviews to newspapers, radio channels and television. At the moment he is advising various health food companies, writing books and studying to extend his knowledge. He is also an advisor to LUONTOlife and a writer of recently published book about Chaga-mushroom; Pakurikääpä. He is the co-author of Biohakkerin käsikirja with technology specialist Teemu Arina and medical doctor Olli Sovijärvi.

Jaakko has always been interested in health and nutrition, not least because both of his parents are P.E. teachers. He used to be one of the top submission wrestlers in Finland and his daily routines included two training sessions during his teenage years.

Biohacker Summit:

What does a health expert eat on the morning when an important day is to begin?

Jaakko Halmetoja:

Basically I do a big elixir that is kind of an updated version of a smoothie that I can drink during the day. The base of an elixir is tea with medicinal mushrooms or other local herbs. Especially during the winter time I also add around 1 dl of oils and fats like coconut or other cold-pressed plant oils. Now I’ve also used Sunwarrior’s Warrior Blend with adaptogenic herbs but during the summer I replace most of the proteins and fats with berries, coconut water and other cooling agents.

Jaakko Halmetoja

Biohacker Summit:

What is your favorite meal?

Jaakko Halmetoja:

My favourite meal is chaga-based chocolate drink that has chaga tea as a base, and flavors like berries, bee pollen, and honey to add taste. It is hard to say that one food would be the favorite but maybe chaga would be my number one. I’ve been interacting with mushrooms so much, and all the benefits it has given and will give in future earns the top spot.

Biohacker Summit:

How have you been able to maintain your healthy routines?

Jaakko Halmetoja:

For me one of the biggest things has been to study and get inspired daily to keep the routines. It is easy to break the habit when you’re around people who might not have the same lifestyle or opinions about health. YouTube, podcasts and blogs keep your mind busy when you’re faced with choices every day.

Biohacker Summit:

Thank you and see you at the Biohacker Summit!

Author: Jeremy Qvick

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