Please read the following information carefully. Make sure you understand the production buildup/teardown schedule, delivering stand materials to the venue, that you do not have any prohibited items and contact us for any extra needs you may have.



Estimated opening times for visitors are:

  • Tue 2 July 8AM-6PM
  • Wed 3 July 8AM-6PM

We reserve the right to adjust the opening times according to the program. Please follow the event website for more information.

Exhibitors are welcome to come in one hour before the doors are opened to guests.


All exhibitors are welcome to setup and prepare their stands:

  • Mon 1 July 12PM-8PM 

Please note that all expo stands should be ready during Mon 1 July. We do not allow any setup time during the event.

All stand items should be removed from the venue immediately after the event ends:

  • Wed 3 July after 6PM

Please note that you cannot leave anything behind. All items left at the venue will be removed and thrown away.


Exhibitors are required to register and collect badges for all staff members who are present during the event opening times. We recommend collecting the badges during pre-registration.

Pre-registration is located at the Cable Factory’s Glass Courtyard (entrance/registration to conference) and it is open on Mon 1 July 10AM-8PM.

Staff members who are only present during the building & setup day do not need to register. Badge is only required for entering during the event.


Our venue is Cable Factory and there are two entrances:

Main entrance is used to enter the venue during the event and to register & collect the badges. Address is Kaapeliaukio 3, 00180 Helsinki.

Load in entrance is used during the setup and teardown and all stand items must be brought in through the load in entrance. Address is Tammasaarenlaituri 5, 00180 Helsinki and it is marked with “M1”.

For more information about the venue please visit their website.


Expo area is located in Merikaapelihalli. Please see the floorplan below. Stand locations and numbers will be released later. Please do not inquiry about this separately, we will send the preliminary map immediately to all exhibitors when avaialble. Note that we reserve the right to adjust the floorplan according to possible changes.

All expo stands include:

  • Black backdrop (fabric - not possible to attach anything)
  • Expo carpet (purple)
  • Basic lights (not possible to adjust)
  • WIFI connection
  • Electricity for a screen / laptop / charging small devices

You can order basic furniture at an extra cost. Please use the form provided at the end of this page. 

If your stand items are extra large or heavy (ie. cannot fit through a regular door or machinery is needed for lifting) or have special needs regarding electricity please fill the form provided at the end of this page. If you do not indicate special needs in advance we won’t be able to help you onsite.


We encourage all exhibitors to be mindful about the environment and use as little print products (flyers, giveaways etc.) as possible. Do not bring any stickers as giveaways as those are especially forbidden by the venue.

Please note that we do not allow any flyers / brochures / leaflets to be left on the tables around the event area. We will clear all tables and other surfaces outside of expo stands several times during the day. 


Please note that it is NOT possible to send any items directly to the venue before 1 July 2024. All exhibitor items should be brought to the venue during the setup time. If you are using a logistics company, please be there yourself to receive the shipment.

For shipping we recommend for example DHL. Please send everything you can from within the EU. If you send anything from outside of the EU, please notice that you might need to take care of customs and handle those beforehand. We do not reply to customs requests. Use a freight forwarder or importer if needed. The more you can carry with yourself, the better.

We have partnered with a local logistics company to help out those who cannot bring their items to the venue directly on 1 July. This service that enables intermittent storage of shipments before 1 July has an extra fee 150-200€, please contact the production with the form below to get more information.


The following items are banned:

  • Making fire (candles, burning incense, pyrotechnics, fireworks etc.)
  • Attachable stickers to be handed to consumers
  • Others products or items that may damage the venue or the safety of attendees
  • Weapons, explosives, detonators or fuses
  • Illegal drugs or ingredients

All products (goods and services) sold at the event must be safe for consumers to use. Product categories that have specific rules include nutritional supplements, food products, medical devices, diagnostic tests and medical services.

Only authorized health claims

We prohibit health claims (such as to diagnose or treat disease) for human health for product marketing materials or packaging sold at the event other than for ingredients that have authorized health claims set by EU (European Food Safety Authority EFSA) (see here). You can always talk about the constituents, the cultivation, the molecular composition or other practical features, but you cannot make unauthorized health or nutrition claims. Note that the rules are much stricter than in e.g. USA.

Properly registerd medical services

If you offer medical services designed to diagnose or treat disease, you have to offer an authorized service (for example you are registered as a healthcare professional or your service/product is an authorized and/or certified properly as a medical service provider in EU). If your service is not authorized, you are not allowed to sell it to consumers at our event.

Only authorized treatment devices

We do not allow products to make treatment claims (such as to diagnose or treat disease) that are sold at the event other than devices that are registered as medical devices in EU (see here).

No illegal medicinal products

Make sure none of your supplements or foods include illegal ingredients as specified in Finland's Medical Products List, listed here (PDF). English name is listed in column 4. Prohibited common ingredients available elsewhere in the EU include CBD, Cat's Claw, St. John's Wort, Pau d'arco, melatonin, Saw Palmetto, Canna, Milk Thistle, Valerian, Echinacea, Ginkgo, Ginseng, Kava Kava, Blue Lotus, and even Cod Liver Oil. If you do have ingredients listed in this document, make sure you are registred and authorized provider and importer of such ingredients. Selling such ingredients is not possible either for "not for human consumption" as incense, cosmetics, fertilizer etc. in our event.

No sale of Novel Foods

Make sure none of your foods include unapproved novel foods in EU, listed here, or have specifically been approved as listed here. If your food is still categorized as a novel food, you can exhibit it if you are looking for EU regulatory approval later, but you cannot sell it to consumers.


It is up to you as an exhibitor to assess the associated risks possibly involved with your product or services. Please remember to provide sufficient information regarding the goods and services so that the consumers can assess the possible dangers associated.

All products served and sold must be legal in Finland and we reserve the right to remove all items and possibly also exhibitors without compensation that do not comply with local regulations and laws. 

If you are unsure about your product or service, feel free to contact us, given that you have studied the links provided above.


Here is the hotel selection within walking distance from the venue.



This form is for ordering basic furniture, telling us about your special needs and/or signing up for the extra storage option. If you do not have any special requirements you do not need to fill the form.

Please note that the form needs to be completed and sent to us latest on Wed 12 June. We cannot guarantee that any request sent closer to the event date can be addressed! 

Please fill the form if needed:

Include international area code +
I would like to order following basic furniture to my stand (extra cost applies).
Extra large or heavy items
Costs apply. My stand items are
Payment Terminal
Do you want to rent a payment terminal? Note that we take 10% commission on sales through our rented payment terminals. If you choose this option, you agree to submit all products sold on your stand before the event including their SKU and selling price with VAT to be included in the catalog of options. VAT in Finland is 14% for supplements/food and 24% for other products. Note that we can rent and manage only one terminal per company (first come, first served).
If your stand has items (other than small devices ie. laptop / screen) that need electricity, please list all your needs (item + consumption) below.
There is something else on my mind, please let us know below.
If you wish to use the extra storage option, please estimate how many EUR/EPAL-pallets (800mm*1200mm) your shipment is and we will let you know how much it costs.