Fasting Benefits with Dr. Robin Mesnage

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In this episode, Teemu Arina and Dr. Robin Mesnage discuss the benefits of therapeutic fasting. Dr. Robin Mesnage joined Buchinger Wilhelmi at the beginning of 2022 as Lead Data Scientist – after supporting the research team for five years, among others with statistical analyses on the latest studies. Dr. Mesnage looks back on a long career. His specialist areas are … Read More

Healing with Sound and Frequency with Dr. Steven Schwartz

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In this episode, Teemu Arina and Dr. Steven Schwartz discuss the healing properties of various frequencies and their applications. Dr. Steven Schwartz is the founder and President of Bioharmonic Technologies, which is a human optimization technology and therapeutic music company created to raise the vibration of the planet and harmonize humanity using sound, light, frequency, and vibration. Since 2000, he … Read More

Releasing Trauma with Elina Kadaja

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In this episode, Teemu Arina meets Elina Kadaja to discuss the harrowing experiences which led to her becoming a trauma release therapist. Elina Kadaja is a renowned therapist specializing in transformative meditation, breathwork, and the mind-body connection. She has facilitated healing for over 2000 individuals through both private and group sessions. Elina’s expertise lies in helping clients achieve profound peace, … Read More

Detox Your Life with Warren Phillips

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Warren Phillips, AKA the Non-Toxic Dad, joins Teemu Arina to explore the many aspects of non-toxic living. After completing his master’s in geology, Warren worked as a scientist for several years. However, his focus shifted when he started struggling with unusual health issues and started noticing the harmful effects toxins had on his health. This sparked his passion for researching … Read More

Primer to Functional Mushrooms with Maximilian Endter

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Teemu Arina dives into the world of Functional Mushrooms with Maximilian Endter, co-founder of Smaints. Maximilian’s passion is to explore the potential of human beings. As a biohacker, mycologist and the co-founder of Smaints, he has made it his mission to combine the ancient teachings of traditional medicine with the modern findings of science – and to share it with … Read More

Measuring Erections with Dr. Elliot Justin

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Teemu Arina and Dr. Elliot Justin, CEO of Firm Tech, discuss a new wearable to monitor cardiovascular health by way of measuring male performance in the bedroom. Elliot Justin, MD, FACEP is an Emergency Medicine specialist, telemedicine expert and sex toy enthusiast. His goal is to help all men and women sustain their sexual fitness, and if they develop ED … Read More

EMF Radiation & Protection with Hagen Thiers

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Hagen Thiers, CEO of Waveguard, joins Teemu Arina to debunk common misconceptions around the harmful effects of EMF radiation and look into the effectiveness of various available countermeasures. As a child, Hagen was electro-sensitive. Headaches, dizziness, sleep and concentration problems were part of his everyday life. A significant percentage of western population has to deal with similar effects of electrosmog. … Read More

Corrective Exercises with Tateki Matsuda

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Teemu Arina and Tateki “Tech” Matsuda discuss various exercises and daily habits to counteract the compound effects of a sedentary lifestyle, such as bad posture and lack of movement. Tateki Matsuda, originally from Tokyo, Japan, transitioned from a baseball player to a martial artist after discovering kickboxing in his youth. Despite lacking formal training, his dedication led him to excel … Read More

Self-Transformation with Pavel Stuchlik

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Pavel Stuchlik (NOA|AON) joins Teemu Arina for a truly profound exploration of different perspectives on the self through mindful presence, meditation and manifestation. Pavel is an expert in self-realization technique & application, international conscious DJ/Producer, a serial impact entrepreneur & investor, a certified Ambassador of Peace and a Wim Hof Method instructor. NOA means movement, AON means “all or none”. … Read More

Red Light & Photobiomodulation with Sarah Turner

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In this episode, Sarah Turner joins Teemu Arina to discuss every aspect of Red Light therapy and Photobiomodulation. They cover the effects of different wavelengths of light and recommended types of devices for different treatments and use cases. Sarah Turner has a postgraduate degree in Clinical Neuroscience from Roehampton University in London. She also holds BSc degrees in Psychological Sciences … Read More