General Terms of Participation

By submitting a signed registration form in writing or electronically or purchasing a ticket, the exhi­bitor or the participant enters into a binding agreement to participate in the event and to abide by these General Terms of Participation and any supplementary conditions or instructions provided. 

1. Exhibitors and products

Manufacturers, producers, and sellers of the products and services specified in the product groups of the event or their authorized representatives, as well as organisa­tions and publishers in the field, are eligible to participate as exhibitors. Only products and services approved by Biohacker Center BHC Inc. (hereinafter “the Organiser”) may be exhibited. The Organiser shall have the right to remove other items as well as products or services that may cause a threat or inconvenien­ce to other exhibitors or the public. The exhibitor shall be responsible for all the permits, documentation and reports concerning his products and services required by the local laws and regulations. The exhibitor is solely responsible for any harm caused to attendees by the products and services offered.

2. Exhibitor registration and cancellation of participation

A binding reservation is made by submitting an application form in writing or electronically to the Organiser. Upon approval of the application, the Organiser shall send a confirmation to the exhibitor in writing or electronically. The Organiser reserves the right to reject exhibitor applications. The Organiser also has the right, at its discretion, to revoke an approval before or during the event, to terminate a contract and refund any payments already made, if the exhibitor, its employees, owners, or other stakeholders have acted against the law or good practice or if its participation in the exhibition could, in the Organisers opinion, cause disturbance or danger to exhibition visitors or other exhibitors, or compromise either the reputation or financial succeeding of the event. In such circumstances, the exhibitor is not, in addition to reimbursement, entitled to compensation from the Organiser. The exhibitor shall not have the right to sublet or transfer a stand or part of a stand to another party without the Organiser’s written permission. 

3. Retail sales and serving of food or alcohol

Retail sales are normally allowed during the event, unless expressly prohibited in these Terms or otherwise. No visible storage areas are allowed at the stand. The exhibitor shall be entitled to provide food tasting and tasting of other than alcoholic beverages at the stand, provided that no payment is required for tasting. Take-away food sales to customers are allowed. Sale of food and drink for consumption on site is prohibited unless the parties expressly agree otherwise in advance. The exhibitor shall be responsible for drawing up and implementing a self-monitoring plan, and for submitting the notices and obtaining the permits, if any, required under the local laws or otherwise. Any serving of alcoholic beverages is prohibited unless expressly agreed otherwise by the parties in advance.

If the Exhibitor has agreed on a revenue share between the Organizer and the Exhibitor, the bookkeeping of the sales needs to be electronic showing the sale of each item, price, and tax. At the end of the event, the party collecting the payments is entitled to show the bookkeeping of the sales to the other party, who will bill their share of the revenue after taxes and payment channel costs as mutually agreed between the parties in writing. Payment of commission will be done only after the revenue is received from a payment processor. Organizer is not responsible for any lost or stolen units that have not been paid for or other forms of loss of revenue. Exhibitor is responsible for having insurance for their inventory.

4. Location of stands

The Organiser shall determine the final location of stands, taking into consideration the effective use of hall space, event-specific branch grouping and, where possible, exhibitors’ wishes. The Organiser shall have the right to increase or decrease the amount of reserved space by a maximum of 10% without consulting the exhibitor, or to relocate the stand if the event’s layout plan changes completely or partially from the original plan. 

5. Canceling participation, decreasing the size of a stand, and reversal of the right to use a stand

5.1. The exhibitor shall have the right to cancel his participation or decrease the amount of exhibition space reserved within seven (7) days of receiving confirmation from the Organiser. Requests for cancellation of participation or change of stand size must be made in writing. In the event that the exhibitor cancels his participati­on or decreases the size of his stand at a later time, the Organiser shall be entitled to collect fees in full as specified in the confirmed reservation. In the case that the exhibitor registers less than thirty (30) days prior to the start of the event, the reser­vation is binding as from the date of registration. These terms of cancellation and payment shall also apply in full to any package stands and other comprehensive participation solutions that were ordered in conjunction with registration.

5.2. The right to use a stand shall revert to the Organiser if: a) the exhibitor cancels his participation, or b) the exhibitor fails to pay participation fees within the due date specified in the event-specific terms of participation; or c) the exhibitor fails to take possession of the reserved exhibition space by noon on the day preceding the opening day unless otherwise agreed; or d) the exhibitor is otherwise in material breach of the terms of participation or any supplementary instructions provided.In the event that the right to use exhibition space reverts to the Organiser as speci­fied in Section 5.2 herein, the Organiser shall be entitled to collect participation fees in full as specified in the confirmed reservation. In such cases, the Organiser shall also have the right to resell the exhibition space or to use it for any other purpose as necessary.

6. Stand construction

The exhibitor shall be responsible for erecting, decorating, dismantling, removing, and cleaning his own stand as well as waste management. Attaching anything to the ceiling, a pillar, or the wall structures of the halls is strictly forbidden. The price of a participation solution rented from the Organiser includes the erection and dismantling of the structures included in the package. The exhibitor shall be respon­sible for all supplies and work related to the stand ordered by him and any costs incurred by the Organiser as a result of the stand, including subcontractors, etc. The Organiser shall have the right to collect advance payment for services ordered by the exhibitor. The Organiser shall have the right to limit the size of a stand. The following shall always be subject to prior approval by the Organiser:

–  The placement of any exhibition item weighing more than 1,000 kg;
–  Structures and decorations higher than 250 cm;
–  The erection of two-story stand constructions.

Exhibitors wishing to undertake any of the above measures must apply for approval from the Organiser in writing no later than 45 days prior to the event in question. 

7.  Exhibiting and dismantling

The following measures by the exhibitor are subject to prior approval by the Organiser:

–  Displaying the name of any other party besides the exhibitor, his clients and representatives on a stand. The registration fee or the publicity and environmental fee or the minimum participation fee shall be collected for such a display except in the event that the exhibitor and Organiser have agreed on a joint stand at the time of registration or the event-specific terms of participation specifically allow this practice.

–  Distribution of any products or marketing materials other than the exhibitor’s own, and distribution of any materials or undertaking any other activity outside the boundaries of the exhibitor’s own stand.

–  Stands may not be emptied or dismantled before the start of the official dismant­ling period. The time for this shall be specified for each event by the Organiser. Any exhibitor found in breach of this condition shall be charged a contract penalty of one thousand (1,000) euro. If an exhibitor fails to dismantle his stand within the official dismantling period, the Organiser is entitled to dismantle the stand on the exhibitor’s behalf and to charge any dismantling and storage costs to the exhibitor. 

8. Damage and insurance

The exhibitor shall be responsible for arranging appropriate insurances to cover any damage to people or property. The exhibitor shall be liable for any perso­nal, material and other damages which may be caused by his stand’s structures, equipment, exhibition items or the exhibitor’s or his subcontractor’s activities to third parties (such as visitors or other exhibitors), the Organiser, the exhibition halls and/ or the premises. The exhibitor shall be responsible for arranging appropriate liability insurance to cover any damage to people or property. The Organiser shall be liable for any damage caused to exhibitors or third parties by the Organiser’s equipment or facilities. In no event is the Organizer liable for any loss or damage of exhibition items, equipment, structures, products or otherwise lost revenue.

9. Electricity and electrical work

The Organiser shall be responsible for general lighting. The exhibitor shall order electricity as well as the necessary installation work for his stand from the Organiser. The exhibitor is responsible for any electrical equipment brought by him to the stand. Electrical installations on the Organiser’s premises shall be performed by an electric contractor authorised by the Organiser. The Organiser shall not be respon­sible for any damage caused by a power outage. 

10. Security, fire and other safety

The Organiser shall be responsible for fire security and general order at the venue, but not for any damage to or loss of the exhibitor’s goods, structures, etc. With regard to fire safety and the structures and materials used at the stand, exhibitors must comply with current legislation and decrees as well as venue’s security guidelines. Permission must be obtained from the fire department or law enforcement authorities in advance to display any equipment or structures or carry out any performances which are subject to permission. In demonstrating machines and other technical equipment, exhibitors must comply with the provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and the venue’s security guidelines.

11. Demonstrations

The exhibitor shall be responsible for the appropriate advance inspection of films, video programmes, other audiovisual programmes and recordings which he pre­sents on the Organiser’s premises as well as fees required by the Copyright Act for music and other works which he presents. The Organiser shall pay any mandatory government (Teosto, Gramex etc.) fees on behalf of the exhibitor and will charge accordingly for copyrighted music of other works. Presentations may not disturb neighbou­ring stands. 

12. Passes and invitations

The exhibitor’s staff and subcontractors must have personal passes provided by the Organiser during construction and dismantling work as well as during the fair itself. Passes must be visibly displayed. The exhibitor shall not have the right to sell invitation cards or passes to another party. 

13. Force majeure

The Organiser has the right to cancel an exhibition event or reschedule it to another date, if the exhibition event cannot be arranged during agreed date due to force majeure. The Organiser shall not be liable for delays, disadvantages and damages caused by cancellation or postponement of the event due to force majeure. The Exhibitor will not be freed from its obligations and does not have the right to a refund for payments already made, if the Organiser reschedules the exhibition event due to force majeure. The due date for payments that have not yet been made will be moved to a date corresponding to the rescheduled time of the exhibition event. Force majeure conditions include all circumstances beyond the Organiser’s control which the Organiser could not have reasonably anticipated at the time of signing the Agreement and whose consequences the Organiser could not have reasonably avoided or overcome. Force majeure conditions include, amongst others, interruptions in general power supply, fire or other event preventing normal use of the fair facilities, natural disasters, earthquake, acts of war, riot, pandemic, state of emergency or other reason such as the risk of any of the previous within 3 months even if the event has not happened, to the event that can compromise the safety of participants and/or exhibitors of the exhibition event or disrupt travel or other organizational arrangements.  Strikes, lockouts, boycotts and other labour disputes are considered force majeure, even when the Organiser itself is the target of or a participant in said actions. Force majeure conditions affecting a subcontractor hired by the Organiser shall also be grounds for discharge of the Organiser’s liability.

14. Other terms and conditions

Prices specified by the Organiser are subject to value-added tax. The Organizer will send invoices to foreign exhibitors without value-added tax, pro­vided that the exhibitor has indicated their VAT number on the registration form. If the client company does not have a VAT number or the VAT number has not been indicated, the invoices will be sent inclusive of VAT under the tax base. Interest on overdue payments shall be charged at 16%. Any disputes arising from these terms that cannot be resolved through negotiation shall be resolved by Helsinki District Court. These terms of participation are governed by Finnish law.