Heart Rate Variability and long life – what’s the connection?

This is a guest article by Simon Wegerif, a speaker of the upcoming Biohacker Summit UK and founder of HRV Fit (ithlete). Contrary to what you might expect, the human heart does not beat with a metronome-like regularity at rest, but in fact continually varies to optimize the functioning of your body. These small beat to beat variations are known … Read More

London Calling: Interview With the Biohacker Summit UK Organizers

Biohacker Summit London is an international event that covers the latest tools and methods for upgrading performance, wellbeing and health. We interviewed Jamie & Jake from Pando HQ – the company that brings Biohacker Summit to the UK. Pando team is currently working hard putting together the event, gathering the best biohacking startups, upgraded speakers, health experts and media to London on May 21, 2016. … Read More

Avoiding Sickness: Biohackers Handbook on Hacking the Immune System

Biohacker’s Handbook project started in 2014 by 3 Finns – technology specialist Teemu Arina, nutrition specialist Jaakko Halmetoja and MD Olli Sovijärvi. Three friends with combined knowledge of health, nutrition and technology came together to explore what needs to be done to optimize the human condition. Biohackers Handbook answers the question of what are the 20 % of the causes that determine in 80 % of results … Read More

Supercharge Your Health with Body, Mind and Tech — Biohacker Summit in London

  What are the hottest trends in the wellbeing sector? How can new technologies help us achieve better results in work and play? How can latest understanding of genetics, nutrition and exercise be used to optimize human performance? What can we anticipate from the future of digital health, wearables, activity trackers, Internet of Things, implants and synthetic biology? We welcome … Read More

Ari Meisel: Make Everything in Life Easier

Ari Meisel is an author, speaker, coach and the creator of Less Doing, More Living, a set of practices and principles designed to help the overwhelmed become more effective. He’s appeared in The New York Times, Mashable, the Huffington Post and TED. Ari had to work his way up to get where he is now. At the age of 23 he was diagnosed with … Read More

Can Bitters Make You Healthy?

Since childhood we remember that medicine tastes … bitter. Indeed many truly active compounds have a bold bitter flavor. Yet the health benefits are definitely worth the effort. Health experts from Penn Medicine Center believe that bitter compounds in food contribute to our ability to fight off upper respiratory tract infections, while researchers from National Cancer institute admit that bitter taste … Read More

Ben Greenfield: How to Find Balance in Biohacking

Biohacker Summit 2015 opens with Ben Greenfield’s “Biohacking vs Nature”, Ben is an ex-bodybuilder, Ironman triathlete, Spartan racer, coach, speaker and author of the New York Times Bestseller “Beyond Training: Mastering Endurance, Health and Life”. Ben starts his presentation with a Warrior breathing technique, which he practices every day to boost his energy. This technique involves hyperoxygenating the body with … Read More

Synthetic Biology Leads to New Forms of Life

Futurist and engineer Nell Watson from Faculty AI & Robotics at Singularity University spoke about “Nanomachines and Internal Computing” in her keynote at the Biohacker Summit 2015. Nell predicts that recent developments in nano-computing and synthetic biology are leading us to the explosion of new life forms. Already today neurosynaptic IBM chip has roughly the same amount of neurons as a … Read More

Upgraded Drinks for an Energetic Alcohol-Free Party

Biohacker Summit 2015 was all about how to become better, faster, stronger by upgrading different areas of our lives. When it came to the Upgraded Party (official afterparty of Biohacker Summit), we asked ourselves: how do we bring the party experience to the next level? We wanted to challenge the stereotype that every party should revolve around alcohol (typically followed by … Read More

When Medicine Meets Technology

Nowadays, our bodies don’t have as many secrets as they used to have in the past, thanks to advancing technology and deep research in this field. Through various tests, people can discover what their bodies need and how they can improve their health by using the advanced technologies that these five companies provide. Let’s find out who Meedigo, Woble, BEMER … Read More