Biohacker Summit 2017 – Helsinki becomes the Biohacking Capital of Europe

Biohacker Summit, Helsinki, Finland. 13–14 October 2017 (Fri–Sat) Biohacker Summit is the largest biohacking event in Europe, organized for the 6th time, that connect wellbeing companies with medical professionals, technology experts, investors, entrepreneurs, health and nutrition enthusiasts, and other future shapers and influencers. “Helsinki is the biohacking capital of Europe. Biohacker Summit has been steadily doubling in size every year … Read More

Ryan Munsey on Breakfast as the Most Important Meal of the Day

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, because you have the opportunity to capitalize or completely screw up what you are trying to accomplish. So, I think one of the things that I want to make sure people understand is that you always have to ask yourself what are you doing and what are you trying to accomplish. … Read More

Sarah Turner on Becoming Super Charged

“Imagine, a mind quick as lightning, a body charged with energy. No, it’s not a fictional superhero. It’s you. SuperCharged.” Sarah began her career as a research scientist. She worked for a number of big pharma companies including 6 years at GlaxoSmithKline, where she investigated the effect of electrostatic “charge” in the human body, and how it relates to physiological … Read More

Twist, Shake and Sit Your Way to Corporate Wellness

Half the average person’s waking life is spent at work. For many people this means sitting at a desk or in some other humanly unnatural position, with little to no physical movement. This is especially alarming when the correlation between corporate wellness and company output is so staggering. In short, the happier and healthier a company’s employees, the more likely a company … Read More

Ben Greenfield on Hacking Your Body for Longevity

“Health experts might be killing their bodies.” – Ben Greenfield Ben Greenfield has been obsessed since a teenager to use the most cutting edge fitness and nutrition hacks to get the most out of the human body. Today he uses it for the benefit of his audience not only to achieve peak potential but also to feel as healthy as possible on the inside … Read More

Teemu Arina on Upgrading the Workplace

“To me biohacking reduces the distance between the feedback that you get and if you are getting the results that you want. So, if you do some kind of measurements, you can become more sensitive to whats actually going on.” Teemu Arina has a professional career of over 15 years as a technology entrepreneur, author and speaker. He is one … Read More

Lullaby and Quantify Your Sleep

The old saying is true: Sleep fixes most things. Yet in a world where there are more things to do than time to do them, it is becoming increasingly easy to sleep less than our bodies need for healthy functioning. Scientists may continue to debate and discover what sleep or the lack of it does for as long as our planet … Read More

Comprehensive analysis and hacks for male testosterone optimization

“I have to first treat myself and understand the physiology and the mind, and put it all together. For me it was the culmination point when I worked over 100 hours per week at an intensive care job for 5 years. I realized it is not going to take me anywhere. I can’t treat people if I just do the prescription … Read More

Maximilian Gotzler and Getting Into the Flow State

“Biochemical state of flow is the state when prefrontal cortex shuts off, time dilates, performance skyrockets and you feel as present as you can ever be.” Maximilian Gotzler, the founder and CEO of Biotrakr and Flowgrade, is one of the leading influencers in the German Quantified Self and Biohacking scene. Being a former professional athlete, he started tracking different biomarkers … Read More

Jaakko Halmetoja and Plants as Natural Chemists

“Lets say the baseline has moved more towards stronger plants, stronger, bitter compounds, bitter plants and if you do that you do not need to eat so much.” Jaakko Halmetoja is well known in Finland and considered to be the man who popularised Chaga mushroom to the public after writing a best selling book on the topic Pakurikääpä – opas … Read More